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Health Babes Podcast

Mar 8, 2022

Wondering how you can manage your anxiety better? Today on Health Babes, Dr. Campbell and Dr. Hohn host Dr. Brianna Diorio, an expert in complementary, alternative and integrative medicine. She specializes in mental/emotional health, integrative psychiatry, functional medicine, alternative therapies, dietary supplements and herbs. Listen as she shares her knowledge on the spectrum of anxiety, what we can do to manage it, identify the difference between healthy and unhealthy anxiety, ways to develop better coping mechanisms and incorporate effective forms of treatment. 




  • The spectrum of anxiety (01:32)
  • Neural pathways of anxiety (04:13)
  • The role of stress and inflammation (06:31)
  • Healthy coping mechanisms (09:11)
  • Treatment & supplementation for anxiety (15:25)
  • Protocol for anxiety (18:48)




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  • Get resources on how best to support your thyroid HERE
  • Wondering if you have histamine intolerance? Take THIS QUIZ and receive a free histamine guide

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