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Health Babes Podcast

May 3, 2022

Today on the Health Babes Podcast, Dr. Campbell and Dr. Hohn host, Dr. Paul Hrkal. He is a board-certified Naturopathic doctor with a special interest in neurological health, chronic pain and brain injuries. He is a member of the scientific advisory board of Complete Concussion Management, an international leader in research-based concussion management education and is the co-founder of the Concussion Fix Program. 


Tune in and learn about post concussion syndrome, traumatic brain injuries and how it can have an impact on your physical and mental health. Dr. Hrkal talks about different forms of treatment that might work best for you, depending on whether you’ve had a recent injury or one in the past. We also discuss how hormone dysregulation and gut issues can be directly related to brain injuries and what you can do to manage the symptoms. 



  • Concussions vs post concussion syndrome (01:28)
  • Concussions overlooked in healthcare (07:20)
  • Where to seek treatment (11:25)
  • The connection to hormones (17:11)
  • Metabolic component of head injuries (21:58)
  • Brain and gut health connection (27:47)
  • Headaches (34:20)
  • Adopting an anti-inflammatory lifestyle (40:12)



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  • Get resources on how best to support your thyroid HERE
  • Wondering if you have histamine intolerance? Take THIS QUIZ and receive a free histamine guide
  • Get answers to your health questions HERE


  • Wondering if you have histamine intolerance? Take THIS QUIZ and receive a free histamine guide
  • Get answers to your health questions HERE