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Health Babes Podcast

Oct 31, 2023

Dr. Becky and Dr. Krystal catch up with their colleague and friend, Dr. David Jockers, to talk everything intermittent fasting. They go into all the health benefits of fasting and why it works, so you can feel good about adding intermittent fasting to your own wellness toolbox. Dr. Jockers shares his wealth of knowledge about who should intermittent fast, who shouldn’t, how to start fasting, and how to address common obstacles. 


  • Meet Dr. David Jockers (02:07)
  • What is intermittent fasting? (03:23)
  • Dr. Jockers’s experience with intermittent fasting (05:29)
  • How intermittent fasting helps heal the gut (09:53)
  • Inflammation, autophagy, and more benefits of intermittent fasting (11:49)
  • Getting deeper into the gut: how fasting affects the microbiome (18:21)
  • Intermittent fasting, the immune system, and histamine intolerance (22:29)
  • Who is a good candidate for intermittent fasting (and who isn’t) (26:57)
  • Switching fuel sources from sugar to fat (33:23)
  • Common obstacles, MCT oil, and the importance of hydration and electrolytes (39:00)
  • More from Dr. Jockers (51:56)

  • Get more from Dr. Jockers on his website
  • Take 10% off Dr. Jockers Keto Brain C8 MCT Oil with code healthbabes10
  • Follow Dr. Jockers on Instagram @drjockers
  • Check out Dr. Jockers's books, The Keto Metabolic Breakthrough and The Fasting Transformation


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We started the Health Babes after struggling with our own health issues. After learning what worked for us and our own patients, we decided to expand beyond practice and create a podcast, virtual health programs, and a book that have helped thousands feel better by giving them the knowledge to take control of their health.


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